Sunday, December 13, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree... Oh Christmas Tree

Well, Its been a while since I have posted last and a lot has happened! But instead of boring you with my words I decided to just post a few pictures. I moved in to an apartment in Topeka in June to start my job and I don't believe I have showed everyone my new place. So this week I will post a new room each day (well maybe every other day) --- my place isn't that big!  Below you will find a picture of some of the Christmas dishes I have.... some of you know about my love for dishes! My mom was able to bring them up today. Hope everyone is enjoying this Christmas season!


  1. 1. The red couches are awesome.
    2. I think that we have that exact same light fixture in our dining room.
    3. I remember you and your dishes - didn't they take up a significant part of the storage room at your parents house?! ;)

  2. Thanks! I love my couches as well ended up being able to get them for a good deal! Yeah... my dad is really ready to get rid of ALL my dishes but I told him I don't have room in my apartment! Hope you have a great Christmas!
